Strategic Planning Consultant Opening

Strategic Planning Consultant Request for Proposals

Project Goals and Scope of Services (Maximum Bid: $10,000)

The purpose of this request is to invite experienced strategic planning consultants to submit a proposal to facilitate a strategic visioning and planning process as ecoLatinos transitions to a 501(c)(3). We seek a consultant who has demonstrated experience in developing strategic plans for newly established nonprofits through a participatory process. The plan must be centered around the needs of diverse communities like those we serve.

The consultant will lead a strategic planning process with a committee comprised of EcoLatinos board of directors, staff and a selected group of stakeholders. The goal of that process is a comprehensive five-year strategy and budget framework with considerations for future directions beyond five years.

Deadline for submission is March 3, 2020.

Strategic plan expectations and deliverables:

The strategic planning process must include:

  1. Stakeholder research that engages with environmental groups and funders in the Chesapeake Bay region whose missions overlap with ecoLatinos’ work. This research will entail conducting and analyzing interviews, surveys, and/or focus groups with these stakeholders. This research will ultimately inform the content of ecoLatinos’ strategic plan, and should therefore seek stakeholders’ perspectives on: (1) ecoLatinos’ role in achieving shared environmental goals and inclusion of underrepresented communities in current and future environmental programs; (2) ecoLatinos’ role in advancing these goals over the next 5 years and beyond, and
    • (3) how ecoLatinos can align organizational goals with existing funding sources and opportunities.
  2. Group meetings with ecoLatinos’ advisory committee to discuss the results of the stakeholder research process and facilitate development of ecoLatinos’ strategic vision and plan based on the research results.
  3. Development of a plan for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the strategic plan. This should include qualitative or quantitative metrics of progress toward achieving ecoLatinos’ goals.

The strategic plan that results should clearly articulate the niche or roles filled by ecoLatinos, relative to other groups and funders working on similar issues in the region. By identifying the specific roles that ecoLatinos can fill to have the greatest impact within the diverse communities served, the strategic plan will help to guide ecoLatinos’ program development and partnership strategies. The plan should also include a budget analysis for each element of the plan.

Minimum Qualifications:

  1. Five or more years of related experience in strategic planning consulting;
  2. Background working with diverse populations
  3. Expertise in different engagement and communications approaches
  4. Six or more years of experience in training groups of 10+ people in engagement approaches.
  5. Ability to deliver long term strategic planning services for environmental focused organizations in the DC metropolitan area.

Proposal submission information

  • Proposals can be submitted via email to Ruby Stemmle at
  • Please include “EcoLatinos Strategic Plan RFP” in the subject line.

Deadline for Proposal Submissions: March 3, 2020, Eastern Standard Time